随着人们对自身健康状况越来越关注,使得医院的业务不断增长,处理也变得越来越复杂。简单的人工经营管理,已无法满足医院的需要, 成为医院发展的瓶颈。为了解决上述问题,本文开发了医院病区管理信息系统,对医院病区的人流、物流、财流进行综合管理,对医疗活动各阶段中产生的数据进行采集、存贮、处理、提取、传输、汇总、加工。在医院病区管理系统中,主要包括出入院管理、病区管理和系统维护三大功能模块,实现了入院登记、出院结算、入区登记、医嘱管理、病区发药、病区退药等功能。
More and more pays attention along with the people to own state of health, enables the hospital the service to grow increasing, processing also becomes more and more complex. The simple manual management and operation, has been unable to satisfy the hospital the need, Becomes the hospital development the bottleneck. In order to solve the above problem, this article has developed the hospital ward management information system, to the hospital ward stream of people, the physical distribution, the wealth class carries on the synthesis management, moves the data to the medical service which in various stages produces to carry on gathering, the storage, processing, the extraction, the transmission, compiles, the processing. In the hospital ward management system management system, mainly includes in hospital management, the ward management and the system maintains three big function modules, realized in hospital registration, the out of hospital has settled accounts, enters the area registration, the doctor's advice management, the ward sends the medicine, the ward draws back functions and so on medicine.
The article primary coverage includes: First elaborated the domestic and foreign hospital management information system development and the present situation; Then in to the hospital ward management system management system market survey analysis foundation in, the union system development technology, has determined the system demand analysis; Then in this foundation proposed the plan system design and proved, had determined this system should have basic function module; Then carries on the system the detailed design; Finally each function module has carried on the test to the system in.
Key words: Hospital ward management;In hospital registration; The ward sends the medicine
第一章 绪论
病区是医院重要的组成部分,病区管理对医院有着很大的影响。本选题是用power builder 9.0设计一个医院病区管理系统的前台界面,采用Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000作为后台数据库。主要实现出入院管理和病区管理。其中前者能实现入院登记、预交金管理、出院结算功能,后者能实现入区登记、医嘱管理、病区发药以及病区退药等功能。通过该毕业设计,掌握power builder 9.0一般编程和信息系统一般开发方法。
随着社会的发展,人们对健康越来越关注,医院的业务不断增长,处理越来越复杂,简单的人工经营管理,已无法满足医院的需要, 成为医院发展的瓶颈,人们对医疗服务的要求也越来越高。如何使病人享受到更优质更高效的服务,如何提高医院病区的人流、物流、财流,进行综合管理,是目前医院所面临的一个重要的问题。针对这种情况,本系统希望能解决医院病区的信息化管理的问题。
目前软件开发的工具很多。但本系统采用power builder 9.0,这使本系统的维护相对容易,对使用者的技术要求也相对较低。本系统主要研究的内容是如何实现以下几个功能: