摘 要
在图书馆书库管理系统的设计与实现过程中,我深深体会到此次毕业设计的重要性------它是我走上工作岗位前的一次重要的练习,更深刻体会到理论联系实践的重要性和必要性。同时,我也感受到JAVA 和Mysql 的功能之强大,事件处理的灵活性和高效性。但我掌握和应用的还不是很熟练,应多加实践和练习,在以后的工作中,我将不断的学习和充实自己,力争成为一个高水平的程序员。
关键词:图书馆 ;管理 ;java
Graduation design (Thesis) is the ability of examinees to integrate basic theories and professional skills, and to analyze and solve practical problems independently. The computer application specializes in cultivating high-level talents engaged in the design, development and application of computer software and hardware, testing whether the candidates have read the necessary Chinese and foreign documents, and can design and implement the design system by using scientific and quantitative qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Library library management system is mainly to complete the management of books by Librarians (adding new books, deleting old books and revising books, etc.); the statistics of books by Librarians (Statistics of the number and date of the books in the library and the date of the return of books) by librarians and the readers and administrators on the information of books and readers. Inquiry; when finding the required information, print out the corresponding information report forms and so on.
In the design and implementation process of library library management system, I deeply appreciate the importance of this graduation design - it is an important practice before I go to work, and it is more deeply aware of the importance and necessity of connecting theory with practice. At the same time, I also feel the strong function of JAVA and Mysql, the flexibility and efficiency of event handling. But I am not very proficient in mastering and applying, and should practice and practice more. In the future work, I will continue to learn and enrich myself, and strive to become a high level programmer.
Keywords: Library; management; Java.
目 录